I had to skip editing at work today to deal with the issue so I'm not too happy with that additional money I'm missing out on. Thankfully, I put in a 11 hour day yesterday on a shoot up in Belfast, ME for the Game Loft so the impact shouldn't be too cumbersome.
Let's stop being pessimistic though and talk about something a little more interesting. I finally got Netflix so I've been on a movie brigade these last few days. I have a loooong list of films that I've been wanting to watch for a long time but I've been far too busy, so maybe this will encourage me to take a little time out and settle down with some titles.
I can't believe it took me this long to watch this film. I bow down to the over-the-top editing and performances by Robert Downey Jr, Woody Harrelson, Juliette Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones (including his spitting), and the late great Rodney Dangerfield. And how all 121 minutes are consistently powered by dutch angles; making you feel deliciously uneasy throughout the sitting.
I've never been a big Oliver Stone fan, but this feels a lot more Quentin Tarantino inspired. Minus the feet. (Quentin actually came up with the basis for the story) Stone did add the whole anti-media aspects of the story, which I thought were nicely played out.
I recommend this film for anyone out there who's a fan of the not-so-ordinary.
Here's some other recent Netflix viewings and what I've rated them:
Man On Wire **** (Really liked it)
Conan O'Brien Can't Stop *** (Liked it)
Wristcutters: A Love Story *** (Liked it)
For those who enjoy: Bass Gods
"Here Come The Bastards"
Primus is playing a show here in Portland, ME this weekend, so it makes sense to blast some of their music right about now. I won a pair of tickets from Bull Moose so I'll definitely be there getting buck wild. You should be there as well.
-If you like this then buy their new album, "Green Naugahyde".