Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Way We Get By

Let me summarize freelance filmmaking in one word...


Yup, that will do it. Because it feels as if every time I start putting my fingers to the keyboard for another rant about how work has become dryer than a cat's tongue (yeah I went there), things pick up faster than ever before.

Alright, so let's bring everyone up to speed. It all started with a downer. I got a recommendation for that George H.W. Bush HBO documentary being shot in Kennebunkport but we couldn't make it happen. That was a big letdown because that sounded like such a great experience. Who wouldn't want to kick it with Barbara and the gang? Even though I'm sure it was nothing like I expected.
Would have been a grand ol' time.
Then while I'm kicking rocks around in personal anguish, I get a call from a production company coming to Portland for a Food Network show. I spend 75% of my day thinking about what I'm going to eat... so of course I said yes. By the way, the other 25% is spent actually eating.

Then like 2 days after that, I get an even more exciting call. Turns out A&E's Hoarders is coming to Manchester, NH and could use some help the following weekend. That was a big HELL yes.
A dream come true?
I would have been completely content right there. But then today I get an e-mail from a production company coming to Portland for the Cooking Channel. And the best part is that everything actually fits into my schedule. Does that ever happen???

Oh, and remember that blog post about the Best Documentaries on Netflix? I actually received an e-mail from the producer of an award winning documentary called The Way We Get By. It was shot in Bangor, ME and focuses on a group of senior citizens who greet U.S. troops going through the Bangor International Airport. She recommended her movie after reviewing the list. So I clicked on the Netflix and gave it a watch... and of course she was COMPLETELY right. Such a touching documentary that without a doubt deserves a spot on that list. She told me about her next project and how she could use some help but it's way up near the Canadian border so the logistics aren't looking good. But either way I wish her crew the best of luck.

So yeah, looks like I'm about to get real busy again. I love it.

Despite the hectic schedule, I'm definitely going to have to make some time for a Fourth of July celebraish. And by "celebraish" I mean call up a bunch of hooligans, fill a cooler with the first stereotypical 30 rack of beer I see that has the colors red, white, & blue on it, grab a chair (preferably a recliner with optional footrest), find a body of water to place said chair and/or optional footrest, and watch things explode into magical pixie dust. Perfect way to recoup during a period like this. If I don't accomplish this plan, then the "terrorists" have won.

Not on my watch.

"The Way We Get By"
We go out in stormy weather
We rarely practice discern
We make love to some weird sin
We seek out the taciturn
And that's the way we get by

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