Wow, I've really fallen off the blog-train haven't I? Funny thing is, I don't really have an excuse. Sure, the month of December has been a pretty busy one for me as I've started focusing on the design for my work's YouTube channel and future website, but I've just gotten back from a 5 day Christmas vacation where I did primarily nothing. I spent more time jumping around aimlessly as dictated by Xbox Kinect than I did doing any creative writing. Hey, at least Eddie received a workout.
Anyways, let's get to the point of this post: How superb 2011 really was. Without a doubt, 2011 has been the greatest year of my life. I've taken more steps forward professionally than I ever thought possible coming out of college and I've consistently been around some amazing people. Every workday pushed me even further and every weekend was an adventure. And how could I forget the fact that my last semester at the University of New England was spent with some of the most incredible people I know? Hell, I'd say that partaking in senior week with you schmucks rivals any other week throughout my life if I could actually remember what we were up to.
Oops, I'm suppose to keep this blog professional aren't I? Eh whatever, how can you maintain a blog if you can't be yourself? That's what made 2011 so great. I had all the room in the world to be myself at work, in class, and with friends. And I loved every second of it. Sure, I had to deal with a fair share of problems along the way, but I wouldn't be writing this post if I hadn't. Problems are nothing but motivation. And motivation is what has led to great times and an overall amazing year.
This really encourages me to find out what 2012 has in store for everyone. It's funny because I remember telling myself the same thing as 2010 came to a close. "Such an amazing year, but it can only get better." And it has. So I'm going into the new year with a positive attitude and high expectations. Because as of now, I have no idea where I'll be physically and mentally come next December... and I love it. Unpredictability is bliss.
So happy New Years to the 4 and a half of you reading this post. And of course everyone else apart of my life. You're all great.
"California Brain"
It's been a long time comin'
Gonna get what I need
Got my sights set high
and I'm pickin up speed
Come inside
Free your mind
You will find
Your California Brain
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