Dear America,
Let me start off by saying, "Thank you petite Baby Jesus... the election is over."
Now that that's out of the way, it's time for a vintage Eddie sized rant.
I'm not a republican or a democrat; just a dude who sits back and watches. Someone who isn't easily swayed by media propaganda, but still secretly loves to see people ricochet off a wall of conflict developed from personal political beliefs as they morph into an entity that's so passionate towards an agenda despite the fact that they haven't actually stepped back to fully understand it.
That was a mouth full, huh?
I'm not saying America is dum and stewpid. I'm just saying that a lot of our beliefs don't manifest from our own morals but instead are spoon fed to us by our favorite news station and "big brother" social figures. References that someone else might call misinformed... just because it isn't the same message spewed as their own dictated references.
I've most likely written this somewhere else, but it's relevant for my political views as well: My primary law in life is "Do what makes you happy as long as it doesn't affect the happiness of others." Short & sweet. This rule has always made sense in my world and I've tried to keep my humanity by using it in the daily situations I encounter. Am I perfect? Hell no, but that's what makes the human race so beautiful. Because if everyone was perfect, what would we have to talk about? Who wants to watch a show where everything goes according to the protagonist's plan without any conflict when they can watch Honey Boo Boo and laugh at her family's imperfections? Where would Jersey Shore be without smush drama? I'm not sure, but I can tell you one place it wouldn't be: On the air.
What I'm trying to say is that the whole political race was a real life television show and we all were characters within it. A majority of the political posts I see on Facebook and Twitter are made in the heat of the moment. People who are so caught up in the social tornado formed from the newest episode of American politics. Their good guy versus the opposing party's bad guy. And no one likes to see their hero lose.
It's easy to lose our cool in battle, but during a political debate with a
friend is just ridiculous. It's to a point where some people won't look
at an acquaintance in a positive light if they have differing political
affiliations. You call that the "American spirit"?
If you feel as if you're a winner and that anyone associated with the "wrong" political party is a loser, then you are feeding into one of America's many dilemmas. We
are a nation divided, and conflicting politics do nothing but separate us
as a whole. Half of the people who dedicate themselves to a specific
party can't actually tell you why. They'll stick to one fundamental
belief and use it as their prime argument. "Obama has been screwing with my gas prices! Support Romney!" "Romney has a demolition crew waiting on the outskirts of Sesame Street! Support Obama!" You can call it following the
crowd or handy-down information from popular social butterflies, whatever. When it comes down to
it, we just love being apart of a team. We like feeling needed. Hell, that's why "hipsters" dress like other "hipsters" even though they're trying to be unique. Because they're still apart of a team, despite this rebellion to the common ideology and fashion sense of America... but let's get back on track.
This election proves that we have quite a distance to travel before America can ultimately be called a team again. All we've done is proven that America is more divided than ever. We've lost the American dream and have replaced it with a cup filled to the brim with insecurities, fake personalities, and realities filled with misconception. The worst part is, there's no one person or corporation to blame. The media is feeding into their audience's demand of drama with a more than sufficient supply, while corporations toss money around in the shadows for future gain. That last sentence makes our nation sound so corrupt but to me it sounds like the foundation of America. We're a business and that's the way a business works. Is it frustrating? Of course, but as of now there isn't a whole lot we can do about it.
If you've done you're homework on all of the candidates, and your selection has virtue and is truly the person who represents your beliefs, then I'm proud of you. That's your guy and you should stick with him until he offends you. But if you're the type of person who comes home from work just to sit and stare at the glowing box in your living room; waiting for your favorite leaning news station to report something terrible that the opposing candidate said, then you need some positive light in your life. This image is such a downer for society because it actually represents a lot of our cynical population.
If I'm coming off as furious in this post, then know that this wasn't my intention. I'm just an observational kid who puts his fingers to a keyboard whenever he feels the spark. If I believe the finished product will create conversation, brain activity, or interest between people, then I post it here.
To put this into perspective: I work mostly on TV shows even though I don't have cable. Because society is my TV. I love listening to the rustling and turmoil going on around me because it inspires me to create silly little things like this. Such a funny way to get inspiration, right?
Is this a pessimistic look due to yesterday's election results? Not even close to that. We should be constantly looking forward no matter who our president is. This post is just trying to encourage more people to think outside of the box when it comes to politics. And when I say "box" I'm talking about that same box in your living room that has become the loudest member of your family.
Or we can just move on. I mean, it is that time of year to be all American-like and start opening our wallets & purses for the holiday season. These big businesses could use the extra change after investing so much money into these campaigns...
... Man, I'm such an asshole.
Eddie Baldasaro
Tilly and the Wall
"Heavy Mood"
I’ve got the power cuz I live like I want
Ain’t listening to you, I only listen to my heart
No you can't bring us down
We’re way too strong, we’ve got muscle, we are tough
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