I have been working on this blog for over a year now and it's accumulated almost 40,000 page views. I find that number to be ridiculously high due to the fact that the content has never been packaged with my true voice.
Eddie B!og has been about marketing myself towards potential work and portraying a clean shaven & marketable image like I was taught to do in college.
The kind of writing I've always been drawn towards is about developing a voice and finding humor in your own life that others can enjoy and learn from.
Which brings me here ...
Hi, my name is Eddie Baldasaro, and this is the self-examination of a life-addict. I've been blessed with an ample supply of characters who are straight out of an Adult Swim cartoon. I've had interesting yet unpredictable luck that has always been dictated by consistent dilemmas. I've endured a life of harsh lessons that are just too good to keep to myself.
And most importantly, I accept and appreciate the hilarity in my shortcomings.
I'm a normal, outgoing male who enjoys pushing situations to the brink. I can be a pompous asshole just as much as I can be a great, loyal friend.
I've always tried to cover up my comedic tragedies, but at this point I can only learn to laugh at them. My track record looks different depending on how you type my name into a Google search bar, so I've decided to embrace it all. Because these stories have made me who I am today.
Comedy heals all wounds. If you can't laugh at yourself, then you can't fully understand the way your emotions work. Perfection bores the shit out of me, so how about we learn to praise our imperfections?
Let's start with a story ...
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