Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Manifested Motivation

Alright, I just watched some inspirational videos so now I'm amped up on manifested motivation! Let's see how long this lasts...

I e-mailed a "major market New England television outlet" about their need for a production staff as well as a cheap production assistant job for the K&N Pro Series race at the Dover International Speedway. Exciting digs, but it's still grunt work. Shining shoes to make it to the top. S'n some D's to fill the pockets with G's. Get it? Good.

I've decided my savings account is now a "Get Me To L.A." account so maybe this'll help. It's going to be a long, hard (get your mind out of the gutter) road though as student loans are winding up their legs to deliver a swift kick to my face. Not sure if I'm ready to manage the added number of hands in my pockets, but we'll see.

Alright my motivation's starting to run out since I started typing about loans and all that terrifying mumbo-jumbo. So here's...

For those who enjoy: Southern/Indie Rock
The Weeks

I discovered this band a few years back but they're still delicious. If you've been loving this current resurgence of mainstream southern rock then you'll love this album, Comeback Cadillac, because the Weeks have the potential to be where the Kings of Leon are right now.

-If you like this then check out "The Ballad of Tonto Higgins" off the same album.

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